Chapter 1: The trio

Current time.

Three girls were sitting together at a cafe. Three of them were laughing and gossiping. One of them, Sameera said, "finally, the exams are over! Now I will carry on with my research of the King." Sameera was a girl of 24 years of age, who had a lean yet a bit curvy body, fair skin tone, oval face, full lips and big almond shaped brown eyes. Her hair was dark brownish black and waist-length. Another girl, Devangi asked, "why are you so obsessed with this King?" Devangi was the same age as Sameera. She was a bit more curvy than Sameera, had a fair skin tone, round face, narrow lips and upturned dark brown eyes. Her hair was black in colour and of mid-length. Before Sameera could answer, her other friend, Trishna said, "don't you know? He was basically the greatest and the most powerful king the nation ever had. And, only a limited amount of information is present about him on google as well as any other history book. So of course, our history freak detective friend is obsessed with him." Trishna is a year older than the two girls, and well, taller as well. She was a bit leaner than Sameera, wheatish skin tone, oval face, heavy upper lip, dark brown upturned eyes like almost all the West Indian women. Her hairs were dark brown in colour and knee length.

Sameera said with undisguised enthusiasm, "exactly! And I don't know why, but this King basically gives me all the book boyfriend vibes." Devangi sighed at her explanation and said, "you and your book boyfriends!" Trishna chuckled and asked, "yeah. But what is the name of this King again?" Sameera replied, "Shivendra." Devangi said, "bruh, what an old name!" Sameera rolled her eyes and said, "obvio dude, what did you expect? He is the King of the time 370 BC. I mean, isn't it apparent that he would have an old name?" Trishna than, asked again, "are you going to the library at evening?" Before Sameera could give her an answer, Devangi said, "obviously, she will go. After all she has to find out everything about her king." Sameera looked at her and said, "woah! He is not my king. I am only interested in him..." Trishna cut her in between and asked in a teasing manner, "you are only interested in him?" Sameera continued rolling her eyes, "because he is the one..." Devangi, this time, cut her in between, "he is the one?" Sameera again continued, "who gave the recognition to the country in that time that it deserved." Sameera looked at both the girls and took a sip of her coffee from the cup.

After some time, completing their gossip session, the girls went to their respective apartments. Sameera started with the research on King Shivendra, from where she had left off. But, whatever book she referred to or whatever site she went to, she couldn't find anything that she already didn't know. "God! I need to complete this research and know all about him. It is my only way to get a direct admission in the best arts college of the city. They have the best history courses. If I didn't find out about him and complete my research on time, then I'll have to wait for a year to get enrolled at the university." Sameera thought out loud.

After hours of scrolling through google and looking in different books for something about him, anything that could help her, she sighed. She couldn't find anything on the topic. She shut the laptop down and decided to get a snack and then go to library. She had some cup noodles and then she looked at the time, "damn! It's already 5. The girls are gonna kill me if I don't reach in time." She got up and changed her clothes. The shorts and oversized t-shirt was now changed into a pink dress. She left her apartment after checking that everything is properly locked.

Sameera reached the library in 10 minutes. She saw that both her friends were already there and were waiting for her on the gates of the library. "Bro, why did you take so long to much time?" Devangi asked. "Come on, I am not that late." Sameera replied. "Yeah right. We are just waiting for you since half an hour. Not late at all." Trishna said, sarcasm dripping from her sweet tone. Sameera said, "is it really that late; actually I didn't notice the time while doing the research. So..." Sameera smiled sheepishly at the two girls in front of her. Trishna again said with a bit of sarcasm, "of course. Now, why would you want to come spend time with when you have your dearest King Shivendra?" Sameera scrunched her nose and said, "once again, he is not my king." Devangi shrugged and said, "whatever! We are here for a nice tour. So are you gonna give it to us or not?" Sameera said, "obviously. Nobody knows this place better than me." Trishna said, "apparently, you know this place like the back of your hand. You practically live here rather than your apartment."

"That, my friend, is an exaggeration." Sameera said. Sameera, than, begin the tour. All the three girls were on their track in the library. It was huge and with Indian royally traditional architecture. The interiors contained the classic Indian royal elements of the post Vedic period. Sameera said, "This library was constructed for Queen Samyukta of Suryapur. It is said that she loved to read and her husband made this library for her as a gift." Devangi asked, "now, who is this?" Sameera explained, "nobody knows. Except the people of that time, of course. No description anywhere except the fact that she was the one who started queendom in and was the first queen of the vast empire of Suryapur. Nobody knows about her personal life. Except, well, this library, which was a gift from her husband." Trishna said, "so, basically, it's just like the king you are doing your research on." Sameera said, "uh-huh. I even feel like they are connected somehow. One way, or another. But, nobody knows the truth." They were doing all this discussion while on the ground floor. Than, Sameera said, "we will see the first floor tomorrow. First, let's see the magical garden, cuz after it gets darker there won't be any fun going there." The other two girls agreed, and they went to the garden which was famously known as 'the library's magic garden'. It was because the garden felt like a magic to all the readers.

The girls were really very excited to see that garden, as they had heard many things about it.


Time for character aesthetics:





Word count: 1207

P.s. I hope you guys liked the chapter as well as the aesthetics of the girls. Please tell me how was both of it. And I might post other aesthetics of Sameera as Samyukta. And I gave you a huge spoiler. So, my dear readers please vote and don't hesitate to comment.

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