
370 BC.

A lady all dressed in royal clothes was in the throne room of her palace. There were only three more people present in the room, besides her. They were the lady's parents and the Prime Minister of the kingdom. The lady was none other than the princess of the kingdom, Samyukta. She had a lean body, fair skin tone, oval shaped face, waist-length dark brownish black hair, full lips and big almond eyes.

Samyukta's marriage was being discussed. She was 20 and she was going to get married to the love of her life, Prithvi. Prithvi was the second son of the Commander-in-chief. After an hour or so of the discussion, Samyukta went to her room.

She was sitting and daydreaming about her fiancé when a knock on her door was heard. She got up and opened the door. There was a maidservant standing at her door with her head bent. "Yes?" Samyukta asked. The maidservant said, "the king is summoning you to his chamber, princess." Samyukta nodded and the maidservant went away. Samyukta thought, 'we only met a few hours ago. Why is pitaji calling me now?'

Samyukta got out of her room, closes the chamber's doors and went to her father's chamber. Her father, King Narayan, was first thing that she saw when she entered. King Narayan smiled after seeing his only daughter. Samyukta went near him, and asked, "do you wish to talk about something, father?" He nodded and asked her to sit. Samyukta sat on the chair in front of him and asked again, "what is it, father?" King Narayan replied, "you are finally getting married, my dear daughter. After you and Prithvi get married, I will make Prithvi the king of this kingdom." Samyukta was not happy with this decision. Since she was the only daughter of the king, she was the rightful heiress. She wanted to say something against it but decided better of it. "Of course, father. After being married to me, and being my husband, he would be the rightful heir to the throne." She said instead. She didn't like saying that, but seeing the guy she was in love with was going to sit on the throne was enough reassurance for her.

She got up and asked the permission of her father to take leave. He agreed and she started going to her chamber. There on the way, in the corridor, in one of the chambers of the palace, she heard Prithvi's voice. He was talking to someone. She decided to talk to him. As she went near the door, she heard Prithvi saying, "well, of course, I am marrying her only for the throne. As soon as I will get the throne, I'll marry you." Hearing these words from her lover broke her heart. She decided to go near the chamber. As she went near, she saw that the door was a bit open and she peeked inside to see what was going on. What she saw inside left her heartbroken.

She backed down a few steps, her breathing got shallow. She turned around and started running towards her room. While running, tears were continuously brimming down from her eyes. The manservants and maidservants were both shocked and upset to see their princess in this situation. Some tried to talk to her, stop her, but she didn't stop until she came to her chamber. After going inside, she closed the door and started crying. What she saw in that chamber was coming in front of her eyes, again and again.

The one and only love of her life, Prithvi, whose she considered more than a friend, cheated on her with her closest friend, Shraddha. Prithvi and Shraddha were embracing each other in that chamber. Two people whom Samyukta thought to be the closest ones, betrayed her together. Two people who claimed to hate each other were secretly in a relationship. Prithvi, the boy who claimed to love her the most, cheated on her with Shraddha, her best friend.

Samyukta went to her closet, took out a plain black dupatta and draped it around her like a cloak. She covered her head. She opened the doors of her chamber and while tip-toeing and hiding behind the pillars, she reached the stables. Not taking her own horse, she took Prithvi's horse. She, herself didn't know why she did it. Maybe as to make him realize his mistake? Or maybe as a revenge? She didn't know, yet she did it. With the horse's reins in one hand and a torch in the other, while her head was covered with the dupatta, she went away. In the forest.

After that day, nobody saw Samyukta. Not in the palace, not in the kingdom amongst the common people and neither in the forest. Since then, the one and only princess of the kingdom Suryapur, Samyukta, was known and called by all the residents of the kingdom and outside the kingdom as "The Disappeared Princess."

Nobody knew what happened to her. Yet.


Word count: 904

P.s. So finally the story is out. Please do tell me if you liked it or not and help me with the improvements and also tell me if you liked the cover and description of the story or not.

Radhe Radhe!!

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